Riese&Müller Transporter 65

Long John (plats för 2 barn)

64 000 kr

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Genom ett samarbete med ett europeisk försäkringsbolag kan vi nu erbjuda en modern, heltäckande försäkring för din cykel. Utan självrisk. Full ersättning dom första 3 åren. Ingen krångel. Läs mer här

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Additional Bosch PowerPack 500, only in conjunction with box

The boards provide a flexible all-purpose transport solution. Crates or bulky goods can be fixed in place with the aid of numerous lashing points. The lashing straps can also be stowed away in the lockable glove compartment under the loading surface when you’re not transporting a load.

The box is made of ultra-robust polypropylene and is 100% recyclable. A convenient door on the left side that can only be opened from the outside makes it easier for children or a dog to get on or off the bike. There is space for three crates of water if no child seats are fitted, and two if child seats are fitted.

Two comfortable child seats for two children age seven or younger. 5-point belts guarantee maximum safety and can be positioned at different heights to ensure that children of different ages can sit comfortably. The seat fabric is extremely robust and can easily be cleaned with water. The standard footwell provides children with a comfortable seat position or can also be used as additional storage space (holding around 15 litres). Please observe national regulations for the transport of children on bikes before using

The dog cushion fills the entire base of the box, providing a comfortable bed for your dog to lie on. Your dog’s collar can be attached to the length-adjustable safety belt with a carabiner, so that your dog is secured when lying in the box. The footwell in the base can still be used with the dog kit, among other things to securely stow away dog leads.

The sturdy tarpaulin is made of 100% recycled polyester, concealing your load and protecting it from dirt and rain. When the tarpaulin is not needed, simply roll it up and lock it at the front.

The all-season 100% recycled polyester cover offers year-round protection from the wind, rain, snow and sun. Its height can be adjusted depending on the position of the handlebars, with the spoiler also protecting the rider from the wind and weather. Children are protected from the heat by the long top part that provides shade on warm summer days, while rolling up the side walls ensures that they remain pleasantly cool. A flexible compartment on the roof of the cover offers storage space for lightweight objects. The standard door in the box allows children to get on and off with ease and can be opened from the outside even when the child cover is fitted and closed.

Summa tillbehör:

Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

Bromsar: fotbroms för dessa cyklar är fotbroms inte bästa lösningen då dom är underdimensionerat. Det går dock att leverera. Vi skulle rekommendera att ha hydrauliska bromsar bak på varje hjul. (Det är bättre än en. Och det är bättre än fotbroms när det gäller bromseffekten.)

Parkeringsbroms: Kan finns både fram och bak. Bättre med två parkeringsbromsar än med en.

Fotplatta: Ska ni cyklar med olika brukare ska ni nog ha fotplatta för att undvika att folk måste spänna fast fötterna i pedalerna även om dom inte trampar.
Här finns det också fotplattor som sitter mer permanent och man behöver verktyg för, eller sådana som låter fälla ut sig. Vi skulle tipsa om det senare. Om man är ut med någon och cyklar och den personen tappar lusten så kan hen sitta som på en vanlig stol då.
Det finns tillbehör till standardpedaler i form av just fixering. Inte alla är så starka att kunna hålla fötterna på pedalerna. Ännu ett tillbehör som är lämplig här när ni har olika brukare är att kunna plocka av dessa fotfästen utan verktyg (och med få handgrepp). Vi kallar det för snabbfästen till fotfästen.

Belysning: både batteridrivna och sådana som är kopplat till motorn fungerar lika bra och är säkra. Men är belysningen kopplad till motorbatteriet är det en till grej som personalen inte behöver tänka på (vanligtvis är det så att även om man råkade kör tomt på batteriet så finns det en reserv kvar där för belysningen).

Elsystem. Gör utvärderingen efter räckvidden på cykeln per laddning. Det kan vara väldigt olika i realistiska förhållande. Men en siffra att hänga upp det på är batterikapacitet. Som anges i Ah eller Wh. Vi brukar säga att med 11Ah som kommer man med en sådan cykel 4-5 mil under realistiska förhållande. Mer är alltid bra. Mindre borde ni nästan inte acceptera för då går cykeln knappt att använda.
Vid mycket branda backar gör även placeringen av motorn en skillnad. Har du en motor i framhjulet kan det vara så att hjulen blir för lätt och börjar snurrar. I så fall vill man ha att motorn heller driver på bakaxeln där lasten sitter (och tramporna också driver). Men är det lite lagom terräng är det inte någon större skillnad mellan motordrift fram och bak.

Längden på garanti är viktig. Det säger ju också lite hur mycket tillverkaren själv litar på sin produkt.


The Transporter 65. The all-rounder among Cargo Bikes.

Whether you are carrying the kids around town or transporting loads through the city: the Transporter 65 is the all-rounder among Cargo Bikes. With its powerful Bosch Performance Line motor and low-maintenance belt drive, the Transporter 65 is the perfect choice for getting started in the world of urban mobility. And it adapts perfectly to your needs with its versatile accessories – whether you need to transport children, dogs or goods.

Safe child transport

Just get in and go.

You can carry up to two children safely and carefree with its 100% recyclable PP box and double child seat with five-point seat belts. The side door in the box makes getting in and out a breeze, while the footwell ensures a comfortable seat position – and can also be used as a separate storage space for bags and shopping. Alternatively, take your favourite four-legged friend with you with the optional Dog kit – sitting comfortably and well secured.

Flexible load transport

The clue’s in the name.

The Transporter 65 adapts perfectly to your transport plans. The boards are an ideal solution for anyone who needs flexibility when out and about: boxes and bulky goods can be fixed in place with ease at different lashing points – and the lashing straps can be stowed in the lockable glove compartment when not in use. Alternatively, the box provides a closed cargo area, while the optional tarpaulin protects your load from the wind and weather.

Carbon belt drive

Reliable and low-maintenance riding.

You’ll always be carefree when riding the Transporter 65, thanks to its continuous Enviolo 380 hub gear and carbon belt drive. It is very simple to use with a twist shift grip that enables smooth gear changes without jumping. The low crank bearing height makes it incredibly easy to get on and off, while the centre stand with its prop-up aids ensures that the Transporter 65 can also be easily parked – even when heavily loaded.

Adjustable seating position

Change riders with ease.

The height-adjustable saddle and stem let you adjust the seat position of the Transporter 65 to different body heights of from 1.50 m to 2.00 m in the blink of an eye. This makes it the perfect bike for everyday life and a versatile replacement for a car.

Cargo accessories

The box is made of ultra-robust polypropylene and is 100% recyclable. A convenient door on the left side that can only be opened from the outside makes it easier for children or a dog to get on or off the bike. There is space for three crates of water if no child seats are fitted, and two if child seats are fitted.

Dog kit
The dog cushion fills the entire base of the box, providing a comfortable bed for your dog to lie on. Your dog’s collar can be attached to the length-adjustable safety belt with a carabiner, so that your dog is secured when lying in the box. The footwell in the base can still be used with the dog kit, among other things to securely stow away dog leads.

Double child seat
Two comfortable child seats for two children age seven or younger. 5-point belts guarantee maximum safety and can be positioned at different heights to ensure that children of different ages can sit comfortably. The seat fabric is extremely robust and can easily be cleaned with water. The standard footwell provides children with a comfortable seat position or can also be used as additional storage space (holding around 15 litres). Please observe national regulations for the transport of children on bikes before using.

The sturdy tarpaulin is made of 100% recycled polyester, concealing your load and protecting it from dirt and rain. When the tarpaulin is not needed, simply roll it up and lock it at the front.

Child cover
The all-season 100% recycled polyester cover offers year-round protection from the wind, rain, snow and sun. Its height can be adjusted depending on the position of the handlebars, with the spoiler also protecting the rider from the wind and weather. Children are protected from the heat by the long top part that provides shade on warm summer days, while rolling up the side walls ensures that they remain pleasantly cool. A flexible compartment on the roof of the cover offers storage space for lightweight objects. The standard door in the box allows children to get on and off with ease and can be opened from the outside even when the child cover is fitted and closed.


Frame colour black*; true white*
Suspension fork Suntour Mobie A32, 20″, 50mm
Headset Cane Creek ViscoSet
Seatpost JD-SP66, Alu, 34,9 x 400mm
Seatclamp TranzX, 40,0 mm, QR
Tires Schwalbe Big Ben Plus 55-406 Reflex; Schwalbe Super Moto-X 62-559 Reflex
Tubes Schwalbe AV13; Schwalbe AV7
Rims Mach1 Trucky30 20″ CNC; Mach1 Trucky30 26″ CNC
Front hub Novatec Disc 32H
Rear hub Enviolo 380, 36H
Battery Bosch PowerPack 500 Performance, 36 V, 13,4 Ah/500Wh; Bosch PowerPack 500 Performance, 36 V, 13,4 Ah/500Wh ( 2x )*
Motor Bosch Performance Line (Gen3)
Display Bosch Purion; Bosch Nyon*; Bosch SmartphoneHub*
Crankset FSA CK-601 170mm schwarz
Chain ring 50T, for Gates drive belt CDX
Chain Gates drive belt CDX
Pinion 26T, for Gates drive belt CDX
Saddle Selle Royal Nuvola
Pedals VP R&M Custom
Shifter Enviolo grip shift Twist Display Pure, continuous
Handlebar Satori Noirette Plus, 31,8 mm, Alu
Stem Satori, 60 mm, +/-17°
Grips Herrmans Grips Line
Brakes Tektro Auriga Comp HD-500, disc brake
Front light Herrmans H-Black MR8
Tail light Büchel Z-Fire Mini; Busch & Müller Toplight 2C LED*
Mudguards SKS A65R; SKS A69R
Luggage rack Riese & Müller, MIK*
Rubber Bibia*
Bell Billy
Ständer Kickstand Riese & Müller
Lock ABUS Shield X+

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