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Hase Bikes Kettwiesel

55 800 kr126 600 kr

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Genom ett samarbete med ett europeisk försäkringsbolag kan vi nu erbjuda en modern, heltäckande försäkring för din cykel. Utan självrisk. Full ersättning dom första 3 åren. Ingen krångel. Läs mer här

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Carrier accessories

The insatiable 42-liter HASE BIKES Luggage Bag from Ortlieb is available in black or white. Just hang it onto the mounts behind the seatback. The low center of gravity will make your KETTWIESEL even more solid in the curves.

A luggage rack with wheels and a fold-out pull handle. It can be mounted behind the seat and can carry heavy loads, e.g. beverage crates or a rollator. With the Roller Bag, it can even be used as a shopping basket with wheels.

The waterproof bag with a capacity of 50 liters can be attached to the Roller Rack. As a rolling shopping basket, it is ideal for big shopping trips!

The waterproof bag with a capacity of 100 liters can be attached to the Roller Rack. As a rolling shopping basket, it is ideal for big shopping trips!

Seat accessories

Keeps moisture out and looks great. The Rain Cover for our recumbent seats is now even compatible with the XXL and TRIGO seat.

The HASE BIKES Seatback Extension can be used for extending r the seatback by 2,75" (7 cm). More space - more comfort!

The extension option for our standard seat lets you increase the seat size so that your weight is distributed more evenly over a larger surface area. For people with disabilities or large riders. Not compatible with the TRIGO or TRETS.

The Harness System with magnetic buckle and child-proof buckle guard is flexible and easy to open and close. It can be used as a combined lap and shoulder restraint or, with an additional strap between the legs, as a 5-point harness. (optional pads)

Shoulder harnesses and lap belts gently secure riders with motor disorders to the recumbent seat. The harness is also an excellent safety option for children in the front row.

The flexible Headrest takes comfort to the next level. You can lean back, rest your head, and enjoy triking more than ever.

The comfortable armrest allows for a relaxed posture if a rider cannot hold the weight of their arm without support. Can be used on the right or left side.

Foldable fairing accessories

The Foldable Fairing was specially developed by HASE BIKES. When it starts to rain, the fairing can be removed from its pouch and attached in a matter of seconds. Once mounted, it can be opened as easily as a car door when getting into and out of the seat. In winter and heavy rains, the Poncho can be added.

Smartphone Mount for Foldable Fairing: Secure mount for practically all smartphone models. Developed for the Foldable Fairing.

Other accessories

Transforms two trikes into a trike tandem! In order to hitch the rear trike, all you have to do is remove its front wheel, slide the coupling into the dropouts, and secure it with the quick-release.

Retrofit kit for our Topseller - for custommade bikes please choose from "Other Options" Follow me! Lame name, fine piece of equipment: with the Tow Bar, even standard bikes can be used as towing vehicles for the KETTWIESEL - with a safety bonus: the integrated overrun brake works automatically. When the towing bike brakes, the KETTWIESEL brakes.

Weber hitch adapter With the new Weber hitch adapter, you can even pull trailers that have a standard draw bar.

Summa tillbehör:

Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

Bromsar: fotbroms för dessa cyklar är fotbroms inte bästa lösningen då dom är underdimensionerat. Det går dock att leverera. Vi skulle rekommendera att ha hydrauliska bromsar bak på varje hjul. (Det är bättre än en. Och det är bättre än fotbroms när det gäller bromseffekten.)

Parkeringsbroms: Kan finns både fram och bak. Bättre med två parkeringsbromsar än med en.

Fotplatta: Ska ni cyklar med olika brukare ska ni nog ha fotplatta för att undvika att folk måste spänna fast fötterna i pedalerna även om dom inte trampar.
Här finns det också fotplattor som sitter mer permanent och man behöver verktyg för, eller sådana som låter fälla ut sig. Vi skulle tipsa om det senare. Om man är ut med någon och cyklar och den personen tappar lusten så kan hen sitta som på en vanlig stol då.
Det finns tillbehör till standardpedaler i form av just fixering. Inte alla är så starka att kunna hålla fötterna på pedalerna. Ännu ett tillbehör som är lämplig här när ni har olika brukare är att kunna plocka av dessa fotfästen utan verktyg (och med få handgrepp). Vi kallar det för snabbfästen till fotfästen.

Belysning: både batteridrivna och sådana som är kopplat till motorn fungerar lika bra och är säkra. Men är belysningen kopplad till motorbatteriet är det en till grej som personalen inte behöver tänka på (vanligtvis är det så att även om man råkade kör tomt på batteriet så finns det en reserv kvar där för belysningen).

Elsystem. Gör utvärderingen efter räckvidden på cykeln per laddning. Det kan vara väldigt olika i realistiska förhållande. Men en siffra att hänga upp det på är batterikapacitet. Som anges i Ah eller Wh. Vi brukar säga att med 11Ah som kommer man med en sådan cykel 4-5 mil under realistiska förhållande. Mer är alltid bra. Mindre borde ni nästan inte acceptera för då går cykeln knappt att använda.
Vid mycket branda backar gör även placeringen av motorn en skillnad. Har du en motor i framhjulet kan det vara så att hjulen blir för lätt och börjar snurrar. I så fall vill man ha att motorn heller driver på bakaxeln där lasten sitter (och tramporna också driver). Men är det lite lagom terräng är det inte någon större skillnad mellan motordrift fram och bak.

Längden på garanti är viktig. Det säger ju också lite hur mycket tillverkaren själv litar på sin produkt.



The one-of-a-kind “KETTWIESEL feeling” comes from its go-kart agility and tight turning circle.


The entry-level model for the HASE fun class and the chassis for many adaptive trikes
The KETTWIESEL ALLROUND lets you experience all the perks and practicality of triking. With its unrivaled cornering stability, high level of safety, and exceptional comfort, the KETTWIESEL offers unparalleled riding fun. And: at stoplights and during breaks, you can relax in your seat while other cyclists dismount.

It’s easy to understand why the spirited roadster is also the perfect chassis for many of our adaptive vehicles and handbikes. The KETTWIESEL was designed to offer an ideal blend of ergonomics, sportiness, and unlimited versatility.

Perfect adaptability to the rider’s height and weight
The under-seat handlebars of the KETTWIESEL complement its ergonomics. By loosening an Allen bolt, the angle and lateral positioning of each handlebar can be precisely adjusted to the rider and sitting position.

Thanks to the quick-adjust frame, the front boom can be easily and accurately repositioned to suit the rider’s leg length without having to shorten or lengthen the chain. The length-adjustment markings make it easy to remember length settings when switching between various riders.

Any sitting position is possible
Thanks to the handy quick-release levers, adjusting the angle of the seatback is child’s play. Choose any sitting position: from laid-back and sporty to upright. For transport, just release the seatback to make the trike flat for easy stowing.

Easy wheel removal with QUICKSTICK hubs
If you need to take off the wheels for storing or transporting the KETTWIESEL, then simply loosen the bolt on each QUICKSTICK hub – and they’re off!



The KETTWIESEL CROSS STEPS: the delta trike for up and down and whoopee!

The recumbent all-terrain trike, the off-road delta, or the daredevil of the HASE BIKES family – this is the CROSS. The KETTWIESEL CROSS.

Recumbent trike with a license for off-road
The yellow bullet with the knobby treads sails serenely over roots and rocks, carves up the tightest corners, and keeps the squirrels watching safely from the trees. Be it off-road thrills in the forest or insane challenges at the bike park, one thing is clear: the fun-seeking CROSS has a nose for the road less traveled!

Also typical KETTWIESEL: for riders with special needs and/or off-road genes, there are all kinds of special pedals and accessories! As a delta trike, the CROSS is also perfect for turning on a dime, parking upright, and hitching up for tandem fun.

Downhill with special derailleur and suspension
Bombing downhill, leaning into corners, testing your limits: this is the off-roader’s raison d’être. And good equipment is everything. The CROSS has an extremely sporty chassis and keeps its cool on the gnarliest stretches – thanks to the independent wheel suspension with sway bar and special air shocks.

Bottoming on jump landings? Ouch. This is why we custom-developed our own HASE BIKES linear derailleur for the CROSS. It has more ground clearance than standard derailleur cages. The 11-speed system made from CNC-machined aluminum is sophisticated, but not finicky. It’s also very forgiving of shifting mistakes. Sound good? It’s out of this world!

Uphill with differential and top traction
Surrender to that steep, pebbly slope? Not this trike! Every CROSS comes with a differential, which transmits power to both rear wheels. And the tires almost never lose traction, because – with a delta – the rider’s weight is over the rear axle.

Riders who can’t or would rather not rely on pure muscle power can switch on the Shimano Steps mid-motor any time they need a little energy boost. The smooth and quiet system is seamlessly integrated into the bottom bracket and helps you rocket up the ascents.

Easy transport with foldable frame
Sure, you can ride your CROSS over asphalt. But if that’s not exciting enough, the station wagon will also take you and your CROSS from challenge to challenge. Thanks to the ingenious folding mechanism, three quick steps is all it takes to transform the trike into a compact unit measuring a maximum of 38 inches (96 cm) that fits easily into the trunk. Awesome, isn’t it?



KETTWIESEL EVO STEPS: The symbiosis of sportiness and comfort

E-trike for the discerning cyclist
The EVO STEPS is the luxury model of our KETTWIESEL series. Some may argue that the name “KETTWIESEL” is too whimsical for this classy set of wheels, but what’s named is named. Moreover, it’s long since become the epitome of a sporty, high-end trike.

The EVO STEPS is our upgraded version for riders with even higher standards for comfort: The standard model features a Shimano Steps motor and the corresponding Di2 electronic shifting system. And its suspension is out of this world: independent wheel suspension, air shocks, and cornering-stability control like a car. A sporty ride doesn’t have to be uncomfortable.

E-motor from Shimano: power on demand
It’s the rider who decides when the Shimano Steps switches on. Then the powerful mid-motor provides smooth and seamless assist. It gives you more traction on the rear wheels than a front motor, and its 504Wh battery, hidden behind the seat, can be fully charged in a mere four hours.

The Di2 Alfine is an 8-speed, electronic, internally geared hub that coordinates perfectly with the motor. It can be operated in either manual or automatic mode. And the rider can switch between these modes with the touch of a button on the display.

The art of unfolding
When parked upright, the EVO looks like a futuristic work of art. Just as impressive is the folded version: all it takes is three quick steps to transform the trike into a masterpiece of compactness with a maximum length of 38 inches (96 cm).

Also foldable … and eye-catching: the KLIMAX Foldable Fairing, which is available as an accessory. The patented HASE BIKES fairing waits – compactly folded – in its carrying case for the next rainy day, when it can be mounted and unfolded in a flash. With the corresponding Rain Poncho, it turns the EVO into a weatherproof, all-season trike.

Recumbent trike + recumbent trike = 5-wheel tandem
The delta configuration – one wheel in front and two in the back – offers an exceptionally sporty performance: not only because the turning radius is very small, but also because the low center of gravity guarantees excellent safety and stability – even when cornering at high speeds.

The ride is twice as sporty – and will attract twice as many curious stares – when you connect two trikes with the HASE BIKES Tandem Coupling.

Techincal specifications




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