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Hase Bikes Pino

78 000 kr119 400 kr

  • Allround
  • Steps (elcykel)
  • Tour
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Genom ett samarbete med ett europeisk försäkringsbolag kan vi nu erbjuda en modern, heltäckande försäkring för din cykel. Utan självrisk. Full ersättning dom första 3 åren. Ingen krångel. Läs mer här

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Carrier accessories

The Lowrider Rack under the recumbent seat can hold one small and one large pannier on each side without compromising the riding dynamics: the cargo hangs low and between the axles. Nothing could be safer!

The Porter Rack is a foldable luggage carrier that doubles as a sturdy two-legged kickstand. Effortlessly carries two beverage crates! Keeps the cargo low and centered for extremely stable handling.

The protective gray-and-black bag fits perfectly to the Porter Rack and keeps your cargo dry. With its 80-liter capacity, it encases the unfolded rack and all its cargo. The kickstand remains fully functional.

Even the base stats are impressive: rainproof, dustproof, and an 80-liter capacity, which, thanks to an extra zipper in the cover, can be expanded to 120 liters. The entire bag weighs a mere 3.5 pounds (1,600 g) but can hold as much as 88 pounds (40 kg). Super practical: The Porter Bag can be folded up behind the seat.

The good-mood bag with polka dots is a real eye-catcher that brightens up gray city streets. The City Bag slides over the backrest of the recumbent seat and hooks onto the frame in front. The material: robust, rip-resistant, rainproof. The cover: self-closing. The contents: anything, up to 80 L.

Other accessories

Easy to mount with a quick-release mechanism: the Children's Crankset for kids from 3’3” (100 cm) in height. Turns your impatient passenger into an enthusiastic co-pilot. Children from 4’7” (1.40 m) can use a standard crankset with 115mm crank arms.

In physical therapy, the aim is often to keep the legs in motion. In such cases, our Freewheel Locking Device is a big help: the mechanism ensures that the front rider’s legs will stay in motion throughout the ride. The friction clutch allows the motion to stop when enough counter force is applied (e.g. in the case of cramping).

There are some routes that call for relaxed riding. With the separate handlebar grips, the person at the “helm” can alter their position as desired – without having to adjust the handlebars.

Seat accessories

Keeps moisture out and looks great. The Rain Cover for our recumbent seats is now even compatible with the XXL and TRIGO seat.

The HASE BIKES Seatback Extension can be used for extending r the seatback by 2,75" (7 cm). More space - more comfort!

The extension option for our standard seat lets you increase the seat size so that your weight is distributed more evenly over a larger surface area. For people with disabilities or large riders. Not compatible with the TRIGO or TRETS.

The Harness System with magnetic buckle and child-proof buckle guard is flexible and easy to open and close. It can be used as a combined lap and shoulder restraint or, with an additional strap between the legs, as a 5-point harness. (optional pads)

Shoulder harnesses and lap belts gently secure riders with motor disorders to the recumbent seat. The harness is also an excellent safety option for children in the front row.

Summa tillbehör:

Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

Bromsar: fotbroms för dessa cyklar är fotbroms inte bästa lösningen då dom är underdimensionerat. Det går dock att leverera. Vi skulle rekommendera att ha hydrauliska bromsar bak på varje hjul. (Det är bättre än en. Och det är bättre än fotbroms när det gäller bromseffekten.)

Parkeringsbroms: Kan finns både fram och bak. Bättre med två parkeringsbromsar än med en.

Fotplatta: Ska ni cyklar med olika brukare ska ni nog ha fotplatta för att undvika att folk måste spänna fast fötterna i pedalerna även om dom inte trampar.
Här finns det också fotplattor som sitter mer permanent och man behöver verktyg för, eller sådana som låter fälla ut sig. Vi skulle tipsa om det senare. Om man är ut med någon och cyklar och den personen tappar lusten så kan hen sitta som på en vanlig stol då.
Det finns tillbehör till standardpedaler i form av just fixering. Inte alla är så starka att kunna hålla fötterna på pedalerna. Ännu ett tillbehör som är lämplig här när ni har olika brukare är att kunna plocka av dessa fotfästen utan verktyg (och med få handgrepp). Vi kallar det för snabbfästen till fotfästen.

Belysning: både batteridrivna och sådana som är kopplat till motorn fungerar lika bra och är säkra. Men är belysningen kopplad till motorbatteriet är det en till grej som personalen inte behöver tänka på (vanligtvis är det så att även om man råkade kör tomt på batteriet så finns det en reserv kvar där för belysningen).

Elsystem. Gör utvärderingen efter räckvidden på cykeln per laddning. Det kan vara väldigt olika i realistiska förhållande. Men en siffra att hänga upp det på är batterikapacitet. Som anges i Ah eller Wh. Vi brukar säga att med 11Ah som kommer man med en sådan cykel 4-5 mil under realistiska förhållande. Mer är alltid bra. Mindre borde ni nästan inte acceptera för då går cykeln knappt att använda.
Vid mycket branda backar gör även placeringen av motorn en skillnad. Har du en motor i framhjulet kan det vara så att hjulen blir för lätt och börjar snurrar. I så fall vill man ha att motorn heller driver på bakaxeln där lasten sitter (och tramporna också driver). Men är det lite lagom terräng är det inte någon större skillnad mellan motordrift fram och bak.

Längden på garanti är viktig. Det säger ju också lite hur mycket tillverkaren själv litar på sin produkt.


The for-anything-and-anytime bike: tandem, family taxi, or cargo bike

The PINO ALLROUND is the perfect bike for cycling duos – and for anything you need to carry from A to B.

The tandem: comfort and fun for cycling duos
As a tandem, the PINO offers unprecedented comfort and an exhilarating ride. With its short wheelbase, it is almost as maneuverable as a single-seater. Furthermore, the positions of the recumbent seat and saddle allow for a stronger sense of shared experience, because the riders can communicate effortlessly without having to raise their voices. Furthermore, both riders can enjoy an unrestricted, panoramic view, and there is plenty of space for carrying luggage.

The family taxi: Children’s Crankset mounted in a flash
The PINO can also be converted to accommodate younger riders in the front seat, making it the perfect family taxi. All you need is the Children’s Crankset, which can be mounted to the PINO’s front boom in less than two minutes. This accessory also makes it possible to use the PINO as a parent-child touring tandem. And pedaling breaks are no problem at all: the front rider has a freewheel.

The cargo bike: carry home your weekly shopping with the PORTER BAG and RACK
Converting the tandem to a cargo bike is a piece of cake. With a capacity of 80 to 120 liters, the PORTER BAG on the front seat can even handle a week’s worth of groceries. When not in use, it can be quickly and easily folded up and stowed behind the seatback.

The PORTER RACK, which is mounted under the seat, has a similar cargo capacity. And its low center of gravity guarantees extremely safe and stable handling, even when the bike is fully loaded. The additional RACK BAG keeps the cargo dry. As a special feature of the cargo set: the PORTER Kickstand provides rock-solid stability when the PINO is parked.

Easy transport thanks to two-part frame
It only takes a few short minutes to open the PINO’s frame joint. Then the two frame halves will fit into practically any compact car. And once you’ve reached your destination, the tandem can be reassembled in a flash.

The PINO TOUR is our travel tandem for globetrotters – so that you can always reach your destination together.

Recumbent tandem as touring bike
A journey on the PINO TOUR is probably one of the most intense experiences two people can share. As a semi-recumbent tandem, it’s the perfect touring bike: both riders enjoy an unrestricted, panoramic view and can philosophize about everything under the sun without raising their voices.

Unless they disagree … but that wouldn’t be the PINO’s fault. Speaking of philosophy: if the journey is the destination, can you ever really arrive at the same time?

Sturdy support everywhere you go
When you park your PINO in the square, the village dog is usually the first to come investigate. Not far behind him are the giggling children and head-shaking elders with thousands of questions.

Good thing the PINO has no problem standing for long periods on its robust double kickstand. This clever feature can balance a whopping 220 lb (100 kg). Meaning, it’s no problem at all to let one of the village youngsters pose in the recumbent seat for a souvenir photo!

Enough space for everything – but homesickness
Good haul The PINO is a lot like a pack mule, in that it can carry large loads for long distances without losing its “footing.” The PINO TOUR comes with an extra-long lowrider in addition to its rear luggage rack.

The lowrider is more than just a cool name. It has an important function: one large and one small pannier can be securely attached to each side of the rack under the recumbent seat, where they won’t disturb the riders. And the low center of gravity is great for handling.

Just in case: two-part frame and solo rideability
Good thing the PINO can also go solo! That means that one of you can make a quick run to the shop to pick up some red wine while the other starts the pasta. By the time you make it back, the picnic blanket is already set!

And for those unbikeable routes on your journey, the PINO’s two-part frame can be taken apart for easy transport. By car. Or by bus. Or even in a frighteningly small airplane. Once you reach your next destination, you can reassemble the tandem in a flash, pack it up – and hit the road.

Cargo bike, family taxi, tandem: the PINO STEPS is the perfect e-vehicle for the city.

Semi-recumbent tandem as smart bike for the city
How can the groceries get home, the family get to the garden, or the couple get to their favorite picnic spot? On the PINO STEPS, of course! The e-tandem from Hase Bikes takes you quickly from A to B in an environmentally friendly way, and lets you easily bring along all kinds of cargo. Or your favorite co-pilot.

The powerful mid-motor from Shimano can be switched on with the touch of a button when the hill’s too steep, or the will too weak. The battery has a capacity of 418 watts and can be charged in 4 hours.

PINO as cargo bike: let the good times roll!
The colorful City Bag brightens up the concrete jungle and swallows up your load, transforming the Pino into a cargo bike with an attitude. The City Bag slides over the backrest of the recumbent seat and hooks onto the frame in front. Up to 80 liters of cargo can be packed away in this attractive, sturdy, and waterproof “trunk.”

The robust Porter Rack below the bag is a foldable luggage carrier that doubles as a sturdy two-legged kickstand, adding even more load-carrying capacity: e.g. for that case of ginger beer or an XXL watermelon for the neighbors’ shindig.

PINO as family taxi: I’m front and center!
It’s also fine for kids to ride in a wooden crate, either alone or sandwiched between the organic leeks and baguettes. But as we see it: kids aren’t cargo. And they have much more energy to burn than a loaf of bread. That’s why the PINO keeps kids and cargo separate and offers a Children’s Crankset that turns petite passengers from 3’3” (100 cm) in height into active co-pilots – attracting envious stares from their trailer-bound peers.

After burning up all that energy, your tired stoker might just need a little nap. Which is fine, thanks to the freewheel and three-point harness. After all, Daddy has the Shimano motor as a backup, just in case he can’t handle the pedaling on his own.

A PINO built for two: Daisy, Daisy…
The old-fashioned “bicycle built for two” was never as romantic as it sounded in the songs. How could poor “Daisy” give her answer while staring at the back of her beloved’s head and trying to keep pace with the pedaling? Thanks to the two different seat heights on the PINO, the stoker in the front recumbent seat can share the beautiful view – and pleasant conversations – with the captain.

No road is too long when you share the experience. The Shimano will help you get there, and the Rack Bag under the recumbent seat lets you bring along all the provisions you need!

Hase Bikes PINO: Cargobike, Kindertaxi und Tandem in einem

Das PINO von Hase Bikes ist alles in einem: Cargobike, Kindertaxi und Tandem. Kurzum: ein Fahrrad wie ein Fuhrpark. Mit dem PINO kommt man auf umweltfreundliche Art und weise von A nach B und kann dabei fast alles mitnehmen was einem lieb und teuer ist.

HASE BIKES – Pino Porter Manual Was kann das PINO PORTER noch einmal alles? Es ist Liegerad, Aufrecht-Tandem und Transportrad in einem. Das HASE BIKES PINO ist die wohl flexibelste Rad-Möglichkeit für alle, die zu zweit mobil sein oder – mit der neuen PINO PORTER-Option – ihren Alltagstransport per Bike ­erledigen wollen.


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