Riese&Müller Load4 (Smart system)

Long John (plats för 2 barn)Long John (plats för 3 barn)

84 600 kr114 700 kr

  • 25 km/h
  • 45 km/h
  • Load 60
  • Load 75
  • Rohloff
  • Touring
  • Vario
Clear selection


Genom ett samarbete med ett europeisk försäkringsbolag kan vi nu erbjuda en modern, heltäckande försäkring för din cykel. Utan självrisk. Full ersättning dom första 3 åren. Ingen krångel. Läs mer här

Klicka in rutan så får du en offert från försäkringsbolaget för summan på cykeln och det valda tillbehör.


Fully networked display and control unit in one: the Purion 200 provides compact and easy-to-read information about your speed, range and more. And, thanks to its ambient light sensor, you can quickly read the information even in bright sunshine and darkness. Located directly adjacent to your thumb on the handlebar, it lets you ergonomically and intuitively control your bike’s functions.

The Kiox 300 display is perfect for sporty riders: it displays more than just fitness data, helping riders to optimise their training. It is even possible to pair it with heart rate monitors via Bluetooth. Map-free navigation (only in conjunction with a smartphone) completes the features of the Kiox 300. It can be intuitively operated using the LED Remote on the handlebars.

The Kiox 500 display cannot fail to impress with its large display and ease of reading – even in challenging riding conditions. Ideal for sportier rides, it records your fitness data and can also be coupled to heart rate monitors by Bluetooth. Map-free navigation (only in conjunction with a smartphone) completes the features of the Kiox 500. It can be intuitively operated using the LED Remote on the handlebar.


DualBattery Technology perfected by Riese & Müller ensures twice the range or far higher climbs, fewer charging breaks and longer-lasting riding pleasure. With the 1,450 Wh available, completely new destinations can be reached and you no longer have to worry about the range in your daily routine.

Cargo area (Load 60)

High side walls can be used for securely transporting larger loads. The strong tarpaulin conceals your cargo and protects it from dirt and rain. When it's not needed, simply roll it up and lock it at the front.

The high side walls with a waterproof hard cover are ideal for protecting larger loads during transport. Lockable and firmly bolted in place, the cover reliably secures your transport goods. It can be locked in a partially opened position and two comfortable, separate seats can be fitted in the storage space for optionally transporting children.

Children can easily get to their seat with low side walls – and yet are still well protected on the road. The practical cover protects them from stones, dirt and rain and can be opened at the sides in summer for an optimum, cooling supply of fresh air.

High side walls provide the best possible protection for your precious cargo. The practical cover protects them from stones, dirt and rain and can be opened at the sides in summer for an optimum, cooling supply of fresh air.

Two comfortable height-adjustable child seats with adjustable sitting and sleeping positions for two children aged up to around eight years. The seats can also be fitted individually and centrally. Padded 5-point belts guarantee excellent safety for your children, while the footwell provides plenty of comfort. The footwell can be used as a glove box when no children are being transported. Equipment available only in conjunction with side walls.

Cargo area (Load 75)

High side walls can be used for securely transporting larger loads. The strong tarpaulin conceals your cargo and protects it from dirt and rain. When it's not needed, simply roll it up and lock it at the front.

The high side walls with a waterproof hard cover are ideal for protecting larger loads during transport. Lockable and firmly bolted in place, the cover reliably secures your transport goods. It can be locked in a partially opened position and two comfortable, separate seats can be fitted in the storage space for optionally transporting children.

Children can easily get to their seat with low sidewalls – and yet are still well protected on the road. The practical cover protects them from stones, dirt and rain and can be opened at the sides in summer for an optimum, cooling supply of fresh air.

Two comfortable height-adjustable child seats with adjustable sitting and sleeping positions for two children aged up to around eight years. The seats can also be fitted individually and centrally. Padded 5-point belts guarantee excellent safety for your children, while the footwell provides plenty of comfort. Equipment available only in conjunction with side walls.

Two comfortable height-adjustable child seats with adjustable sitting and sleeping positions for two children aged up to around eight years. The seats can also be fitted individually and centrally. Padded 5-point belts guarantee excellent safety for your children, while the footwell provides plenty of comfort. The footwell can be used as a glove box when no children are being transported. Equipment available only in conjunction with side walls.

Two separate seats side by side and a single seat at the front enable up to three children to be carried safely. Adjustable seating positions and a footwell ensure greater comfort. Instead of the third child seat, you can also use an extra luggage rack that offers additional storage space.

Bosch eBike ABS 2.0

The Bosch eBike ABS 2.0 with Magura ABS brake and Suntour Mobie 34 fork ensure that you remain safely in the saddle even when you need to brake suddenly – both on solid asphalt roads or gravel tracks. It prevents tires from slipping, the rear wheel lifting and the whole bike skidding out to the side.

GX option

If you like riding your E-Bike off-road, then simply equip it with first-class All-Terrain tires. The SnakeSkin side wall of the Schwalbe Smart Sam Plus tires guarantees exceptional grip especially when cornering. A 3 mm protective cover around the inner tube provides extra-secure puncture resistance. The wide VP 538 flat pedals provide grip for your feet.


If the front storage space is not enough, there is always the optional carrier. It is ideal for attaching panniers, making it perfect for longer bike trips too. Since it is secured directly to the frame, it also benefits from the suspension thanks to Control Technology. On the HS models, the carrier is fitted as standard.


With the Abus Shield frame lock fitted as standard, it takes no time at all to secure your bike for brief stops.If you leave your bike unattended for longer, you can rely on the optional additional chain lock. At 130 cm long, it can easily be attached to any bicycle rack or lamppost. The chain thickness of 6 mm ensures a high level of anti-theft protection. Frame lock, chain lock and battery lock all close with the same key.

Summa tillbehör:

Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

Bromsar: fotbroms för dessa cyklar är fotbroms inte bästa lösningen då dom är underdimensionerat. Det går dock att leverera. Vi skulle rekommendera att ha hydrauliska bromsar bak på varje hjul. (Det är bättre än en. Och det är bättre än fotbroms när det gäller bromseffekten.)

Parkeringsbroms: Kan finns både fram och bak. Bättre med två parkeringsbromsar än med en.

Fotplatta: Ska ni cyklar med olika brukare ska ni nog ha fotplatta för att undvika att folk måste spänna fast fötterna i pedalerna även om dom inte trampar.
Här finns det också fotplattor som sitter mer permanent och man behöver verktyg för, eller sådana som låter fälla ut sig. Vi skulle tipsa om det senare. Om man är ut med någon och cyklar och den personen tappar lusten så kan hen sitta som på en vanlig stol då.
Det finns tillbehör till standardpedaler i form av just fixering. Inte alla är så starka att kunna hålla fötterna på pedalerna. Ännu ett tillbehör som är lämplig här när ni har olika brukare är att kunna plocka av dessa fotfästen utan verktyg (och med få handgrepp). Vi kallar det för snabbfästen till fotfästen.

Belysning: både batteridrivna och sådana som är kopplat till motorn fungerar lika bra och är säkra. Men är belysningen kopplad till motorbatteriet är det en till grej som personalen inte behöver tänka på (vanligtvis är det så att även om man råkade kör tomt på batteriet så finns det en reserv kvar där för belysningen).

Elsystem. Gör utvärderingen efter räckvidden på cykeln per laddning. Det kan vara väldigt olika i realistiska förhållande. Men en siffra att hänga upp det på är batterikapacitet. Som anges i Ah eller Wh. Vi brukar säga att med 11Ah som kommer man med en sådan cykel 4-5 mil under realistiska förhållande. Mer är alltid bra. Mindre borde ni nästan inte acceptera för då går cykeln knappt att använda.
Vid mycket branda backar gör även placeringen av motorn en skillnad. Har du en motor i framhjulet kan det vara så att hjulen blir för lätt och börjar snurrar. I så fall vill man ha att motorn heller driver på bakaxeln där lasten sitter (och tramporna också driver). Men är det lite lagom terräng är det inte någon större skillnad mellan motordrift fram och bak.

Längden på garanti är viktig. Det säger ju också lite hur mycket tillverkaren själv litar på sin produkt.


The Load4 75. Large cargo area coupled with riding enjoyment.

With its low centre of gravity, Riese & Müller Control Technology and a huge loading surface, the Load4 75 combines riding dynamics and load options, like no other cargo bike. The strong Bosch Cargo Line motor delivers hitherto unknown power. And the Load4 75 is also extremely reliable, thanks to its high-grade components.

The Load4 60. The ultimate across the board.

Perfect handling in every situation – on tarmac, forest trails or gravel roads: the Load4 60 is so manoeuvrable and agile that you never feel like you’re on an cargo bike. Its low centre of gravity, the Bosch Cargo Line motor and Riese & Müller Control Technology ensure a dynamic and outstanding riding experience.

Safely transport up to three children

The greatest for the little ones.

Up to three children can be comfortably and safely accommodated on the Load 75. Well-protected under a practical cover when it’s raining. One of the children faces the rider while other two sit facing the direction of travel. The extra spacious footwell prevents your passengers from getting in each other’s way, guaranteed to contribute to a relaxed shared riding experience.

Control Technology

Fun and safety are not mutually exclusive.

Admittedly, not everyone immediately thinks of fun on two wheels when you hear the words “Cargo Bike”. But this changes when you sit on a Load with Control Technology. The optimised chassis and the finely tuned full suspension ensure optimum comfort, safe riding even at higher speeds, excellent road holding and thus top-of-the-range riding dynamics. Vibrations and hard impacts, such as from cobblestones or kerbs, are significantly reduced and you are in control.

Safety equipment

Long-lasting visibility.

The daytime running light of the ultra-bright Supernova M99 Mini Pro headlamp with main-beam function offers top lighting conditions at night and also increases your visibility during the day. And if you need to stop quickly, the exceptionally bright Supernova M99 Tail Light ensures your safety while the Tektro TRP C 2.3 cargo brake packs quite a punch. The optional ABS system with Magura CT brake and Suntour Mobie 34 fork guarantees even more stability.

Adjustable seating position

Change riders with ease.

Thanks to the angle- and height-adjustable stem and the adjustable saddle height, the seat position can be altered to accommodate body sizes of from 1.50 m to 1.95 m, and adapted from sporty to comfortable. The overall geometry of the bike can be perfectly adjusted to the rider in just a few easy steps. This flexibility makes the Load ideal for shared use, for example within a family.

Flexible load transport and large cargo area

Maximum freedom of transport.

With a 50% larger cargo area than with the “small” Load, everyone’s cargo gets to where it needs to go. Whether camping equipment, the weekly shop, transporting children, or tools and materials for customers who use the Load 75 for business purposes. Virtually everything can be fitted in. And nothing disrupts the safe and agile riding experience. The low centre of gravity, a permitted total weight of up to 200 kg, the many individual cargo equipment options and the sophisticated Control Technology make the Load 75 perfectly configurable for all requirements. This means more possibilities and greater freedom. Whatever you have in mind.

Cargo accessories

Two child seats

Two comfortable height-adjustable child seats for two children. The seats can also be fitted individually and centrally. Padded 5-point belts guarantee excellent safety for your children. Equipment available only in conjunction with sidewalls. Please observe national regulations for the transport of children on bikes before using.

High sidewalls with tarpaulin

High sidewalls can be used for securely transporting larger loads. The strong tarpaulin conceals your cargo and protects it from dirt and rain. When it’s not needed, simply roll it up and lock it at the front.

High sidewalls with hard cover

The high sidewalls with hard cover are ideal for protecting larger loads during transport. Lockable and firmly bolted in place, the cover reliably secures your transport goods. It can be locked in a partially opened position and two comfortable, separate seats can be fitted in the storage space for optionally transporting children.

Three child seats with footwell

Two separate seats side by side and a single seat at the front enable up to three children to be carried. 5-point belts ensure greater safety. Longer journeys are no longer a problem, thanks to the optimum layout, comfortable and adjustable seating positions and the footwell. Please observe national regulations for the transport of children on bikes before using.

Low sidewalls with child cover

Children can easily get to their seat with low sidewalls – and yet are still well protected on the road. The practical cover protects them from stones, dirt and rain and can be opened at the sides in summer for an optimum, cooling supply of fresh air.

Three child seats with footwell, front luggage shelf

Two separate seats side by side and a single seat at the front enable up to three children to be carried safely. Adjustable seating positions and a footwell ensure greater comfort. Instead of the third child seat, you can also use an extra luggage rack that offers additional storage space. Please observe national regulations for the transport of children on bikes before using.


Kiox 300

The Kiox 300 display is perfect for sporty riders: it displays more than just fitness data, helping riders to optimise their training. It is even possible to pair it with heart rate monitors via Bluetooth. Map-free navigation (only in conjunction with a smartphone) completes the features of the Kiox 300. It can be intuitively operated using the LED Remote on the handlebars.

Bosch Powerpack 725 Wh

GX option

If you like riding your E-Bike off-road, then simply equip it with first-class all-terrain tires. The SnakeSkin side wall of the Schwalbe Smart Sam Plus tires guarantees exceptional grip especially when cornering. A 3 mm protective cover around the inner tube provides extra-secure puncture resistance. The wide VP 538 flat pedals provide grip for your feet.

Bosch eBike ABS 2.0

The ABS option ensures that you retain optimum control even in the event of sudden braking. It prevents tires from slipping, the rear wheel lifting and the whole bike skidding out to the side. The proven technology from the world of cars and motorcycles is also available for your E-Bike.


If the front storage space is not enough, there is always the optional carrier. It is ideal for attaching panniers, making it perfect for longer bike trips too. Since it is secured directly to the frame, it also benefits from the suspension thanks to Control Technology. On the HS models, the carrier is fitted as standard.

Additional chain lock with bag

The sturdy Abus chain lock, in addition to the Abus Shield frame lock, provides twice the security for your E-Bike. The 130 cm long chain is latched onto the frame lock and you can quickly lock your bike to the nearest lamppost or lock it together with up to three other bikes. The chain thickness of 6 mm ensures a high level of anti-theft protection. Especially practical: frame lock, chain lock and battery lock all use the same key. The bag is firmly attached to the saddle and allows quick and easy removal of the chain lock thanks to its ergonomic shape and Fidlock magnetic closure. Please note: for smaller frame sizes the lowest saddle position may not be usable when the lock bag is fitted.


Ytterligare information


25 km/h, 45 km/h




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